Pressure Testing Leak Detection

Pressure Testing is a reliable method of testing all types of pipework. Detecting a drop in pressure on a closed plumbing system is a quick and obvious indication of a leak.

Our engineers will install pressure meters at different points within a water system (for example a central heating system). Pressure will be measured over a period of time. Areas with consistently lower pressure often indicate the source of a water leak.

This method can only indicate the presence of a leak. Other detection methods such as Acoustic, Tracer Gas or Thermal Imaging may be needed to help trace the location of the leak.

Where difficult, complex or multiple leaks have been repaired (as part of our leak repair service), we may use pressure testing to check that a leak has been successfully repaired – giving you extra peace of mind.

24 hr Emergency Call Out Service

We provide a call out service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year providing you with the reassurance you need that help is quickly available should an emergency arise.

Leak Detection Methods

Our specialists deploy a number of different methods to find your leak which are both time-efficient and non-destructive.

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